2021/22 SEASON
We will only be allowing players + 2 coaches and 1 parent/guardian per player to accompany them into the facility. No siblings. Anyone not entering Hoopdome with their child-athlete will not be permitted into the gym.
Coaches and Parents must wear masks at all times while inside Hoopdome. No mask, no enter, no exceptions! Players are to wear masks coming in, wear them leaving and when they go to the washroom. Players can remove their masks when they are engaging in physical fitness activity (playing the games).
Team rooms are locked down. Therefore, please make sure all athletes are dressed with game uniforms on and or can change at the bench. Washrooms are open, but no benches are in place.
Only teams playing at a specific time will be allowed into the facility. Once a game is over, all players and coaches must leave. We will clean the facility prior to the next group of games. People can either wait outside in the parking lot or in our waiting room. Access will only be permitted by our staff.
Each player and Coach will sign a one-time waiver that covers the entire length of the League (see your team’s coach for a waiver). All future entries need only go through the 6 questions of attestation. Coaches will bring their athletes and accompanying Parents into the waiting room where we can conduct the attestation questions as a group. Coaches will bring the attestation form to each game (see other attachment). Any YES answer to a question and that athlete must leave the waiting room and cannot participate.
The Coalition League game rules will follow all OBA Sanctioned guidelines with regards to FIBA rules, game length and equal playing time rules.
Please visit the Ontario Basketball Association’s website to review.